Version 1.0 - 'Beta Release'

Version 1.0 - 'Beta Release'

North Korean shooter can be considered fundamentally finished. Any future updates are most likely gonna be visual improvements, bug fixes and more. Version 1.0 is a beta release so expect bugs.

V1.0 Content:

  • Intro cutscenes.
  • Main game finished including the reception level and boss fight improvements
  • Code improvements, Hopefully major lag on slower machines has been fixed.
  • Difficulty Selection:
    • Easy -> Labour Camp (Extreme) 
    • The harder the difficulty the more base HP soldiers have and chambered rounds + increased boss HP
  • Bug fixes (key ones below)
    • Fixed a bug where the player becomes invincible against the KPA troops.
    • Fixed a bug where you continuously died if your HP was at 0 for the boss fight
  • Added a pause menu. 
  • Icon for the game
  • Disclaimer at the start of the game.
  • End credits.
  • School Version of the game.
    • This version doesn't have an icon/doesn't change the publishers of the game. This shouldn't trigger the firewall seen on most school computers as the publisher is Godot instead of Facility Studios. 
  • The game will automatically open the Google form page once you quit the title. This only happens once per open.

Working on:

  • Graphical improvements:
    • Grenade explosions
    • Intro cutscene clouds
  • Any bugs that are reported. 
  • More weapons (maybe)

Your feedback is valued: 


Files 813 MB
18 days ago
16 days ago

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